• Click on 'ARE YOU NEW HERE?'


  • Fill out all the details for the account holder. If you are registering for a child please enter the parent/guardians details as you will be asked for the childs details when adding riders.


  • Please note that the password requirements are very specific to ensure account security. You must have at least 6 characters, 1 uppercase (capital) letter, 1 lowercase, 1 number and a special character (such a ? ! * etc). An example of an acceptable password is Trentpark1! 




  • Once registered you will receive a verification email from EcPro. Click on the link to verify your email address. The email can take time to come through but if you do not receive this email please call us on 02083638630.




  • Login to your account using the email address and password you used to register. Then go to 'My account.



  • Before you can book in for a lesson you will need to add riders to your account. You can do this under 'Manage riders'



  • Click on 'Add A Rider'